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- Betty Shreffler
Castle of Kings: (A Kings MC Romance) Page 11
Castle of Kings: (A Kings MC Romance) Read online
Page 11
“He does actually. Jake is a member of the Kings MC club. You heard of them?”
“I have,” Sarah nodded. “Aren’t they doing the Riders Relay for Life?”
“Yep, that’s them. My brother is the President of the club. If you’re serious about meeting any of them, I can take you to the next party with me.”
“Not me, hun.” Tracy raised her hand and wiggled her fingers. “He’s balding, but I love him.”
Sarah and I both laughed.
“I’d like to come. When is the next party?”
“Just about any Friday or Saturday.”
“I’m in,” she flashed her pearly whites at me and her blue eyes sparkled. “I’ll check my schedule for my next weekend off.”
“Great! Give me a call when you’re free and I can meet you there.”
After a long day of reading charts, test results, asking questions and caring for patients, my feet were killing me, and I was ready to see Jake. When I left my shift, he was right outside the hospital, leaning against his bike, his arm resting on the handlebars.
As I neared, he stood straight and reached for me, his hands wrapping around my waist and pulling me in for a kiss. I hadn’t realized how much I missed those lips or how comforting they were until they shot electricity right through me.
“Ready to go to dinner?”
“Yes, please. I’m starving. I didn’t get lunch today.”
Jake handed me his helmet. “I’m taking you back to your favorite place.”
“As long as you promise to feed me dessert.”
“You like it when I put things in your mouth, don’t you?” Jake’s lips curved upward into a devilish grin.
“You’re terrible.” My stomach rippled with laughter. He got on his bike and glanced back, flashing me that same grin.
“You wouldn’t have me any other way.”
The bike rumbled to life. He was absolutely right, and I was falling for the impulsive, smart ass, sexy, hard shell of a man.
As we pulled up to Illano’s, I felt Jake’s muscles tense. He glanced at a couple of tatted bikers wearing Wild Royal colors coming out of the tattoo parlor across the street, then avoided looking their direction. I heard a whistle and someone shout. Looking over at them, I could see that they were calling to Jake and making their way across the street.
“Go inside, Peach.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Go inside.”
I recognized that tone. It was the same one I heard before he and Nix got into a fight. My stomach bunched into a knot. I quickly set his helmet on the bike and headed toward the restaurant. I was yanked back by someone’s fisted grip on my jacket. In my peripheral, I saw Jake take a hit to his face. He was off his bike in seconds and wrestling the guy who’d hit him to the ground.
Large hands took hold of my waist and spun me. My back slammed into a sign post, sending pain rippling through my spine and into my neck.
“You must be his ol’ lady,” A smoker’s voice grated, putting the stench of stale cigarette much too close to my face. “I bet you’re a nice piece of ass.” His hand touched my inner thigh, and I shoved him away.
“Don’t touch me!”
Jake’s fist came crashing into the man’s face. He buckled over and Jake spun and round kicked the guy, dropping him, face to cement. Putting the guy on the ground didn’t stop Jake. He was on him in an instant, pummeling his fist into anything he could contact. Blood was splattering onto the sidewalk and people were starting to notice the fight.
“Jake, stop!”
In his adrenaline-fueled anger he didn’t hear me. His fists kept slamming into the guy. I reached out and touched him. “Jake.”
The contact shook him from his fury. He pulled back and worked on slowing his breathing. He looked at me, examined my face before pulling me into his arms and locking me tight against him.
“Did he hurt you?”
“I’m okay.”
He put his bloodied hand to my face and raised my chin before accepting I was all right. He surveyed our surroundings, then looked back at me.
“We need to go. Cops will be here soon.”
He helped me back on the bike and we took off toward home. Back inside Jake’s house, he strode into the kitchen and grabbed a beer, downing most of it before setting it on the counter. He washed the blood from his knuckles while I ordered us food. As I set my phone down on the counter, he came to me and pulled me close. His touch sent a dull pain across my back.
“Owe.” I reached for my back and slowly eased out of his grip.
His eyes darkened. “You’re hurt.”
I slid my jacket off and set it on the stool before turning my back to Jake. He carefully lifted my shirt.
“That fucker.”
“How bad is it?”
“Take your shirt off.”
I removed my shirt, and Jake took my hand, leading me to the bathroom. In the mirror I could see the gash across my back and the bruising of the surrounding tissue. Jake pulled out alcohol and gauze from his cabinet and poured the alcohol onto the gauze before carefully dabbing it on the wound. After a good cleaning, he placed fresh gauze and taped it. His anger hadn’t settled. He was still steaming when he pulled my back to his chest and kissed along my neck and shoulder.
“If anyone tries to hurt you like that again, Peach, I’ll kill them. I won’t think twice about it.”
The warmth of his body on my sore back was soothing, so were his protective words. “I trust you, Jake, with my heart and my life.” I turned in his arms and his hand took hold of my face before leaning in to kiss me with a fiery need simmering just below his lips.
His hands cupped my ass and brought my legs around his waist before carrying me to his bedroom. He laid me down on his bed and kept his eyes on me as he removed every piece of clothing he was wearing.
I stared up at the face of the most handsome man I’d ever seen, one I knew would do anything to protect me. My eyes stayed on his as he undressed me. His kiss came with passionate, heated need as he ran his hand along my thigh until he reached my ass and held tight. His erection eased into me as he laid himself above me. His thrusts were slow and sensual, his lips trailed across my skin, biting and sucking, ending with gentle wisps of his lips.
The intensity of his touch and the sensation of every stroke of him filling me was consuming my heart. This man had claimed me from the moment he set eyes on me. I was never in control. He owned me from the start.
JAKE RAISED THE last piece of pizza in the air and motioned for me to take it. I leaned back against the pillow and shook my head. “You can have it.”
Jake stuffed the last piece in his mouth and closed the empty pizza box before leaving the room with it. As soon as the bedroom door opened Rocky rushed into the room and came to the bedside. I waited until Jake was out of sight then lifted Rocky onto the bed. He nervously pawed at me and wiggled himself closer. Jake rounded the corner and stepped into the room. His footsteps halted and he crossed his arms as he leaned against the door frame.
“He knows he’s not supposed to be in the bed.”
I bit my lip and giggled as Rocky nuzzled his nose under my arm. “I let him up here.”
“Peach,” his tone was authoritative yet playful, “you can’t spoil him.”
“But he’s so cute.” I jutted my lip out.
Jake landed on the bed next to us and patted Rocky’s back.
“We gotta remain a team, Rocky. Don’t let her steal you from me.”
I smiled as I leaned into his open arm and snuggled against his chest.
“Why were those Royals after you tonight?”
“The one recognized me. He was the buddy of the guy who gave me this.” He motioned to the healed cut on his abdomen I’d stitched for him.
“That worries me. We don’t need bad blood with them.”
Jake was silent, clearly stewing in his thoughts. He pulled me
tighter against him and kissed my temple. “Just for a little while, I want you to either be at the hospital, the clubhouse, or with me.”
“You’re worried about retaliation because of what you did to that guy, aren’t you?”
His fingers bunched in my hair and caressed my head. “Don’t ever worry about me. I can take care of myself. It’s you I want kept safe.”
Jake’s concern wasn’t unwarranted. I knew the Royals were dangerous. I had overheard enough of Dallas’ conversations through the years to know.
“I’ll stay close.”
Jake motioned for Rocky to get off the bed. He quickly jumped down and followed Jake out of the room. After brushing my teeth, I snuggled under the blanket and waited for him to return. The sound of Rocky’s crate being closed was followed by Jake entering the bathroom, then moments later coming back to his room. Clicking off the lamp, he lifted the blanket and slid in behind me. His arm wrapped around me and pulled me against him. My breath became shallow as I relaxed against the warmth of him.
The next day after work, Jake was waiting for me outside the hospital, sitting on his bike with his ankles crossed at his feet, his arms folded across his chest. His black t-shirt was stretched tight and tucked into the front of his torn jeans. My eyes were glued to the mountains and valleys of his arms. When his eyes caught sight of me, whatever had him deep in thought evaporated. His expression softened, and he stretched out those massive, protective arms and pulled me into them.
“Have I told you how good you look in scrubs?” My lips caught his and an ‘mmm’ sound escaped him. “What is that? Some kind of berry flavor?”
“It is.”
He tilted his head to my ear as he squeezed my ass, molding me to him. “That’s not the only flavor of you I want on my lips.”
A tingling sensation swam from my abdomen, down and back, awakening my arousal.
His head leaned back and a smirk crept along his face. “I may not ever let you go back home, Peach.” His palm on my ass tightened, pressing me into the knot in his jeans. His hand raised and took hold of my cheek as his thumb pressed down on my lip. His eyes held my gaze, warming my body from head to toe before his mouth crashed down on mine.
I moaned into his mouth as his hand left my ass and slid beneath my shirt and pressed into my hip, slowly working into my pants. It took every bit of me to rein in my libido. I couldn’t lose myself to him in a public parking lot right outside of my workplace. I took a breath and pulled back, giving him a pointed look. His grin widened.
“Did you bring a change of clothes?”
“I did.”
“I’ll wait while you get changed. I have somewhere private I want to take you tonight.”
When I returned to him, his eyes started at my feet and followed my legs up to my waist, chest, then face. Reaching out for me, he fisted my hair at my neck and kissed my head. “You look gorgeous.” He handed me his helmet and I bit back a smile.
I climbed on behind him and he glanced back to check on me before firing up the engine and taking off. Our first stop was one of the best burger and fry joints in town where he loaded food into one of his saddle bags before putting us back on the road.
The evening had turned to night and I curiously waited to see where he was taking us. The roads became less crowded and more curved as we traveled uphill. He reached a turn off and took us down a vacant, narrow road. His headlights and the moonlight were the only light illumination. We reached the end and he pulled off and dropped the kickstand. Ahead of us was an incredible view of downtown with bright lights scattered all across the darkened sky with the silver moon set high overlooking the city.
“It’s beautiful.”
Jake took my hand in his and turned me to face him. His mouth came down on mine with carnal need and passion that sent bolts of shocking arousal humming through my body. His hand palmed my ass and he pulled me against his growing erection as he growled into my mouth and ravaged my lips.
With one quick motion, he cupped my ass and raised my legs, wrapping them around his waist and carried me the few steps back to his bike. He sat on it with me straddling him and his hands roamed my waist as he pulled me over him, unleashing that same desire that was making my head fill with fog. Firm hands caressed my back, waist, and thighs as the thirst for more of him consumed me.
My shirt was lifted off and his lips came crashing back down on mine as he worked the button and zipper of my jeans. My breath was already heavy as I moved myself forward and back over his erection. A growl filled my mouth, and he gripped my hips and pressed me down harder.
“I want it, Peach. I want to fucking bury myself in it.”
He lifted me off his bike and turned my back toward him before sliding my jeans off my hips. His hand wound around my hair and bent me forward. My hands gripped his bike as his tightened on my hair, tilting my head back. His mouth came down, biting at my hip as his hand slid off my underwear and reached inside me. My breath left me as he stroked and rubbed, working me into a frenzy with trembling knees and loud desperate moans. More nips and bites trailed along my shoulder as his erection pressed into my ass cheeks and his hand drew my orgasm from me.
“I want to hear it, Peach. Come for me.”
A whimpering moan came from my quivering lips as the pleasure of my orgasm released. Behind me, his zipper came undone and moments later the tip of him was rubbing against me, taunting me.
“Tell me you want it.” His hand tightened in my hair and pulled my head back as he slid in then pulled out, drawing out my agony.
“Fuck me, Jake. I want it now.”
With one swift motion, he filled me deep and gripped my hip as he repeatedly thrust into me, smacking my ass cheeks against his pelvic bone. A groan escaped him as he swelled inside me.
“This tight pussy, Peach. You fucking destroy me.” With one deep thrust his orgasm exploded from him and his tight grip on my hair released as he let out a moan. Gentle nips were followed by his lips kissing along my shoulder. Raising me off the bike, he wrapped his arms around me, taking my breasts in his hands, kneading them as he licked and kissed my neck.
“I’ve never wanted a woman so much in my life. You own it, Peach. It’s yours.”
The tenderness in those words filled me with an intensity I’d never felt before. I turned my head to him and met his lips. His hand held my hair and neck as his mouth passionately moved against mine. My tidal wave of emotions traveled to my heart and lingered there, pulsing intensely.
“You own all of me, Jake. I’m completely in love with you.”
His head fell against mine. “I don’t take those words lightly.” He took a breath and his jaw tensed. His fingers strummed through my hair and brushed it over my shoulder, out of his way. Sweet, soft kisses brushed across my shoulder.
“The way it feels to have someone who is mine. I never thought I needed it.” His hand stroked along my waist and caressed my hip as his kisses traveled from my neck to my cheek. “But now that I have you, I know what I’ve been missing.”
I laid down a small blanket Jake had packed in his saddle bag while he brought over our food. As he settled onto the blanket next to me, I moved as close to him as I could get. He looked at me and winked before placing a french-fry to my mouth. I nibbled it out of his hand, making him laugh.
“As I’m sitting here thinking, I realized I’ve fallen in love with a man, and I don’t even know what you do for a living.”
Jake’s smirk raised the corner of his mouth. “I’m an escort.”
My jaw dropped and I gaped at him. “Are you serious?”
“Would you love me less if I am?”
Nausea churned in my stomach as my emotions spun in turmoil.
“Relax, Peach,” Jake laughed and shook his head, “I’m not an escort.”
A breath of relief escaped me. “You’re an ass.”
“It’s part of my charm.” Jake caressed my thigh as he fed me another french-fry.
I laughed and leaned into him. �
��What do you do?”
“I own the jujitsu shop on Seventh.”
It made perfect sense now why he was solid muscle and could fight like a warrior.
“How long you been doing it?”
“Eight years. Started when I was twenty-one. I moved here from Georgia to get a fresh start and the place was for rent. I paid the first few months in advance and got the shop up and running. I have a manager running things for me now. I do some one-on-one training on Tuesdays and Thursdays and stop in when I feel like checking on things or getting in a workout.”
“I’ve driven by that place. It’s always packed.”
“I got a gym in there too. A lot of people use it to work out.”
“When you say fresh start, are you talking about what happened with your family?”
“Not just them.” Jake’s eyes darkened. “A different family. I used to ride with an outlaw gang until I saw a buddy of mine get murdered. After that, I took off. Didn’t know where the hell I was going, but I needed out. I wanted to leave behind everything and figure out what I was doing with my life. When I came here, I ran into Nix and Trevor at a bike show and they offered for me to prospect for them. I took my new family for granted though. Until you.”
Wrapping his arms around me, Jake pulled me into his lap. His hand held my face as his eyes settled on mine. His kiss came with a fiery need I hadn’t felt before as if he’d let his emotions lose from a place they’d been caged in until now. Laying back on the blanket, he pulled me down with him. His hands held my ass tight against him, moving me over him as he moaned into my mouth.
“I want you to ride me.”
“With pleasure.” A wicked smile crossed my lips as I lifted my shirt over my head.
AFTER DROPPING PEACH off at the hospital the following morning, I went to my shop to sign paychecks, get updates on operations, and for the one-on-one training. Afterward, I headed to the Clubhouse to see Nix. He was in his office finishing a call when I walked in.